Empowerment of Healing


Self Awareness

Check the Connection

Have you ever had a computer connection issue? Your computer that is plugged into the wall works fine but the Wi-Fi is non-existent…You call the internet provider, and they say nothing is wrong on their end. And there you are with no answer as to WHY you cannot get a connection. WHAT IS WRONG argh!

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Did you hear what I really said?

Communication is the foundation of every relationship we have, whether with a partner, friend, family member, or colleague. It is how we share our thoughts, express our emotions, and build understanding. Yet, communication is far more than just the words we say—it’s how we interpret and receive the words of others. When communication flows with

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Are You a Plate-Spinning Juggler?

Are you the Plate Spinning Juggler?   Being a recovering Plate Spinning Juggler I understand how this happens, It starts out small adding one thing here and another thing there to your plate until there are so many things you have to take care of that you keep adding plates and have to keep them all

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The Poison of Resentment and the Freedom of Forgiveness

Oh, the liberating feeling of resentment, where we get to blame everyone else for what is going on in our lives. We get to tell the story over-and-over-again. The blood starts pumping and flowing, the cortisol and adrenalin are running through our body, and that story keeps getting bigger. And here you are angry all

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Limiting Beliefs

Lets talk about limiting beliefs… Do you have any? How would you figure out if you do?  We can be masters of creating limiting beliefs by inventing story lines that we train our mind to believe. We rehearse the story or invented belief and we leave them to continuously run in our subconscious mind….For instance

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The Someday Loop

Do you ever feel like your feet are glued to the ground and you have difficulty facing the day? Do you have anxieties about your job, relationships, standing up for yourself or connecting with others?  We have all been there and felt like the mountain was too tall to climb-soooo tall, that we just settle back

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