Empowerment of Healing

Did you know?

Healing trapped emotions

The Emotion Code®, Body Code™, Crystal Healing & Pranic Healing Sessions are non-invasive modalities that have been reported to bring a feeling of peacefulness, feeling lighter,  more connected, clarity and a reduction or absence of physical and or emotional pain. Interestingly some of these emotional or physical issues can be inherited from generations ago. Have you ever had a feeling all your life and you just cant put your finger on why? It could be something inherited.

A heart of love

Your heart is like a second brain and sends out  an 8 to 12 foot range of energies and emotions that can be detected by others brains. You also receive messages from other peoples’ hearts into your brain…ever walked through somewhere feeling sad and suddenly feel a surge of happiness? or feeling happy and suddenly have a surge of sadness or anxiousness…could be you were picking up on another person’s or animal’s energies and or emotions.

Healing animals

Animals can also have trapped emotions that manifest in them just like they do in humans …they too feel depression, anxiety, sadness, helplessness, hopelessness and physical pain. The Emotion Code® and The Body Code™ works on animals too!!!

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