Empowerment of Healing

Belief Code

Release Negative Belief Systems

The Belief Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, delves into the depths of our subconscious thoughts to unearth and expose unhealthy beliefs and programs that affect our mind, body, and spirit. Imagine a tree. Now divide the tree into four symbolic layers: Layer one represents the “Faulty Core Identity” it’s the soil nurturing the seed from which the tree grows. It’s fed by trapped emotions, imbalances, and unhealthy or unwanted and sometimes unknown programed beliefs, these are typically formed by age seven. Layer two, the” Faulty Core Belief”, resembles the roots of the tree. Faulty Core Beliefs grow and reinforce a belief system. Layer 3, the trunk of the tree, houses Limiting Beliefs. These limiting beliefs, often unknown to us, dictate how we perceive ourselves and the filters we use to navigate through our life. Finally, Layer 4 represents the branches and leaves, which embody the Negative Programs we live by.  Through understanding and addressing these layers, the Belief Code offers a pathway to unraveling and transforming deeply ingrained patterns, leading to greater self-awareness, personal growth and Freedom.  


Coming soon.

The session begins with a question from the client, such as: Do I have a trapped emotion causing me to feel anxious (fatigued, knee pain, sad)? If the answer is yes the practitioner goes through 60 different emotions to determine which emotion it is (this part goes a lot quicker than it sound, usually less than 1 minute). Sometimes there could be up to 10 trapped emotions associated with the question. Each emotion is dealt with one at a time. Things revealed about a particular trapped emotion could be the age it occurred, an event or experience that happened to the person or something they heard or saw, it could be from anything. Once released, that trapped emotion is gone with respect to that particular question. If an emotion was inherited from a parent or through a parent from an ancestor, sometimes from generations back, the emotion is released from everyone affected. If there is difficulty removing this particular trapped emotion a person could have what is called a Heart Wall.

Trapped Emotions can create a wall around your heart that could be keeping you from living your best life. The heart is said to be the most powerful organ in the body, it generates up to one thousand times more power and electromagnetic energy than the brain. The heart is constantly sending information and messages throughout the body that affect a person’s physical and emotional being. The Heart has a magnetic field that radiates out from the body approximately 8’ to 12’. Have you ever been around someone that you always feel good around? Most likely they are radiating love and compassion out of their heart brain and that message is being received by your heart brain. The same can be true of negative messages that radiate out of a person. Ever had a feeling to stay away from someone? There have been scientific studies done confirming this. A heart wall occurs when someone puts up an energetic wall to protect themselves from something they feel is harmful to them emotionally or physically. The energetic wall can be inches thick to miles thick and can be made of anything such as wood, glass, trees or whatever the subconscious chose. For example, if someone has  repeatedly had bad relationships, their subconscious could construct a wall that continues to grow sending energetic messages to keep others away (even though that person could say “I can’t find anyone, no one kind and nice wants to date me” that may be true due to the wall they put up)…When someone wants to get to know the person with the heart wall they may feel a negative energy pushing them away a which could keep the person with the heart wall from having a healthy and loving relationship with a friend, family member or a romantic partner. It can cause us to make up stories of why a relationship is not for us. The Heart Wall is put up for protection. A Heart Wall can keep us from advancing in a job, moving to a more desirable place or cause pain that is held in a certain part of the body. For example, perhaps someone is experiencing leg pain. Subconsciously one could be saying “I just can’t stand being treated like that” and the leg responds with pain or an inability to stand on the leg. The Heart Wall protects the leg and the leg finds it hard to stand. Once a Heart Wall is released, typically a person reports having a positive shift in their lives as they leave the old negative emotional and painful baggage behind and are able to move forward. While pages could be written about the Heart Wall this is a brief description

More often yes,  and happens frequently. Release also  depends on the severity of the Trapped Emotion / physical Pain and ultimately on your subconscious. When using the Body Cody™  it could take several sessions to get through all of the underlying imbalances of a symptom. When these emotions and pains are released  an energy shift occurs in the body. When there are several issues being dealt with, the subconscious will be the guide of how many of those energies that can be removed and processed during a session. Similarly, the Emotion Code® is guided by the subconscious which knows when to stop. Around 20% of people report they feeling flu like symptoms or become more emotional for up to 48 hours while the body processes these energetic shifts. This is normal. After a session, many people report a feeling of relief, peacefulness and a lightness…Each persons experience is unique and very personal.

Magnets are used to amplify the healing and release of the issue or trapped emotion. After an imbalance or a trapped emotion is revealed a magnet is passed over the governing meridian of the body. This meridian is the most magnetized meridian and feeds to the other meridians (this is how acupuncture works). The governing meridian runs from below your nose up your face, over your head and down your back. This still works even if you are receiving a remote session due to the practitioner being the proxy. 

It is a way to test the body using your own bodies energy via a touch version with you and a practitioner or a no touch version using  a pendulum, sway test or other proxy type testing meaning it is hands free to the person receiving the healing. If using the touch version of muscle testing the subject holds their arm out and the practitioner asks a question if the arm is easy to be pushed down by the practitioner the answer is no if the arm remains stiff the answer is yes. The sway test can also be used the subject stands and asks a yes or no question if the body sways forward the answer is yes if sways backward the answer is no. A pendulum can also be used in asking the questions. This all has to do with energy and the subconscious mind. All versions are equally effective.

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